1 jump ticket (4,200 metres) | 39 EUR* |
1 jump ticket (1,000 metres) |
29 EUR* |
1 jump ticket - Style |
55 EUR* |
1 jump ticket (4,200 metres) | 37 EUR* |
1 jump ticket (1,000 metres) | 29 EUR* |
Membership - 1 year | 55 EUR* |
*) In accordance with the unexpected raise of the JET A-1 fuel we have to implement a variable fuel surcharge that will be adjusted based on every fuel delivery price.
Actual fuel surcharge till next fuel delivery is 0 €.
Skydive university – Formation Skydiving | 2x jump ticket + 20 EUR |
FS and FF training | 2x jump ticket + 20 EUR |
parachute rental without packjob | 12 EUR |
parachute rental with packjob | 19 EUR |
full equipment rental: altimeter, audiable altimeter, goggles, helmet, and jumpsuit | 4 EUR |
packjob of your own rig | 7 EUR |
Prices are valid from 1st March 2014.
List of items that are probibited on board of the aircraft:
Registration number: 277 05 587
VAT ID: CZ277 05 587
e-mail: tandem@jump-tandem.cz
HOT-LINE: +420 724 175 175
JUMP-TANDEM SkyCentrum s.r.o.
IČ: 241 69 528
DIČ: CZ 241 69 528
Residence, office, shop:
Loosova 262/1
CZ - 638 00, Brno
Mo - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Dropzone Prostějov
49.4451586N, 17.1306897E